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National Mentoring Month: Meet Big Brother Mizael and Little Brother Misael

To help us celebrate “I am a Mentor Day,” Big Brother Mizael shared with us why he decided to become a mentor:

“My Little Brother, whose name is also Misael, is 18 years old, and we have been matched for two years. He is a smart young man who has dreams of becoming a dentist. I decided to become a mentor after a conversation with a BBBS staff member at a Latino networking event in Hillsboro. She told me there was a BIG need for male mentors, which intrigued me to look into what that involved.

Growing up, many of my role models were authors I looked up to, but nothing beats having someone in person that you can directly connect with. After researching Big Brothers Big Sisters, I was thrilled that I could help in this way, to help a young person during their formative years. Two years later my Little, Mizael, feels like my actual little brother. He has taught me so much during our time together, like how to be a better listener. I truly believe he has made me a better person; I know he looks up to me and that drives me to keep improving myself.”

Mizael also volunteers his time serving on Big Brothers Big Sisters Columbia Northwest’s Ambassador Board. Members collaborate with the Board of Directors and BBBS staff to strengthen and grow the impact of our mission in the community, to help us serve more local youth in need of a caring adult mentor. You can learn more about the Ambassador Board by reaching out to Aaron at [email protected].