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2023 Big and Little of the Year: Anthony and Jamarea

We are proud to announce Big Brother Anthony and Little Brother Jamarea as the 2023 Big and Little Brother of the Year! 

Jamarea’s grandma, Alicia, reached out to Big Brothers Big Sisters Columbia Northwest shortly after being awarded guardianship of Jamarea. “It was just the two of us and I wanted Jamarea to have a strong male role model in his life that could share his interests.”

Enter Big Brother Anthony. Anthony became a Big believing that a life that does not serve others, serves no purpose. “Growing up without a father and a lack of positive male role models has motivated me to help young people who are facing similar upbringings.” 

Over the past three years, Anthony and Jamarea have bonded over their love of basketball, sports, and their mutual admiration for each other. Anthony attends all of Jamarea’s basketball games.

“It feels good to have Anthony there and makes me proud to have my team members meet him. He always has a big smile when he comes to see me,” Jamarea said.

Anthony has been a constant presence in Jamarea’s life, supporting him through emotional difficulties and cheering him on from the sidelines along the way. “When I grow up, I am going to be a professional basketball player and invite Anthony to all my games, he will have a special seat reserved just for him.”

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