On January 15th, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Columbia Northwest- Black Youth Ambassador Group partnered with Nike during the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. Both groups joined forces to create an “I AM Tree” to form one piece of art that expressed both the strength and significance of individuality and the necessity of community and unity. It was mentioned to the group the importance of positive affirmations and speaking them into existence with their voice and art, which they displayed on the final mural.
As everyone worked on their individual and group canvasses, the Littles and Nike volunteers genuinely engaged in healthy conversations where they got to know each other very well. The Littles spoke to the Nike volunteers about their current and future academic and social lifestyles, and the Nike volunteers shared their academic and social experiences when they were younger. It was very refreshing to hear the conversations and feedback from the participants. Additionally, Program staff members, Carolina and Smith, expressed their experiences as Bigs for the agency to the Nike volunteers.
Also, as a surprise to the Nike volunteers, a second mural was created and given to them as an appreciation for their time and service to BBBS.
All in all, unity, love, understanding, and reassurance surrounded our Family and Volunteer Center, where everyone left smiling and encouraged to be themselves in a changing world.
Nike sent photographer Jason Hill to capture the moments during this special day. You can check out the photos on our Flickr site here.