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Big and Little Brother of the Year 2022: Gus & Jason

Here at Big Brothers Big Sisters Columbia Northwest, when we see a young person, we see more than who they are. We see the world they can transform, and the potential they possess to make it happen.

There are approximately 16 MILLION kids in America growing up without a mentor. Your donation today will bring the power and joy of mentorship to a child right here in our community, igniting their potential, and shaping the future of Portland and SW Washington for the better. When we believe in the potential of youth, they believe in their future.

Big Brother Gus, Little Brother Jason, and Match Support Specialist Jaasyel

Moving to Portland from El Salvador with his mom, at the age of 12, Little Brother Jason had quite a few hurdles in front of him. Adjusting to a new country, city, climate, language, you name it, Jason faced a multitude of changes. Knowing that her child needed the guidance and friendship of a mentor who was familiar with Portland, Jason’s Mom, Gloria, reached out to the team at Big Brothers Big Sisters Columbia Northwest for help.

With a warm welcome, the BBBS enrollment team talked Gloria through the process of enrolling her son in the program. With English not being Gloria’s first language, our agency was able to connect her with a bilingual and bicultural Enrollment Specialist who was able to provide services to their family in their native language. Being culturally responsive to Gloria’s needs immediately put her at ease. She began to share the dynamics of her family and the urgent need for a male role model for her son. It became clear that the family needed a Spanish-speaking Big Brother and Match Support Specialist who could communicate with Gloria and create the best possible match for her son.

When Jason was interviewed for the program, he specifically asked for a mentor with a similar background, someone who could help him adjust as a pre-teen moving to the U.S. and not knowing the language. The Big Brothers Big Sisters enrollment team knows our applicants well and called up Gus’s application to become a Big Brother. Gus stood out because his mother was also from El Salvador, he spoke Spanish and could identify with Jason through shared lived experiences. It was a perfect match!

Polite and shy from the start, Jason was very quiet during their first few outings. After spending more and more time together, Jason began to feel more comfortable and shared more about himself and his interests. During a hike in Forest Park, Jason really opened up, sharing more about his difficulties understanding his school assignments. Gus recognized that this was a great way he could lend support to Jason. They made a goal to work together to practice Jason’s English-speaking skills and agreed that they would speak English together while on their outings. Gus encouraged Jason that if there was anything that he didn’t understand, he could stop Gus to have him explain what he meant. Gus also urged Jason to ask for extra help at school and often worked together on his homework assignments. Knowing that his Big Brother was by his side to be supportive and provide him with guidance, Jason no longer felt alone. Without fail, Gus was always there for Jason. Over time, Jason’s grades and confidence began to climb!

This fall, Jason started high school strong and has made amazing strides in building his confidence and overcoming his shy tendencies. He is working towards his goal of being the first person in his family to graduate high school and looks forward to giving his diploma to his mom and grandmother, who didn’t have the same educational opportunities. Gus and Jason were recognized at our annual gala as the Big and Little Brother of the year, celebrating the incredible bond they have developed over their last two years matched. Little Brother Jason even spoke in front of 250 attendees thanking his Big Brother for his incredible friendship and guidance.

Our match relationships start with a “hello,” and continue with a shared connection that thrives through transformative growth experiences. Mentoring really is the gift that keeps on giving by helping to empower the next generation.

Will you give the gift of mentorship today to unlock the potential of Littles right here in Portland and SW Washington?

Click here to watch a video about the 2022 Bigs and Littles of the Year!