Each January, Big Brothers Big Sisters celebrates National Mentoring Month. The power of mentorship is huge — mentors help ignite potential in youth, which can lead to better grades, increased emotional regulation, and avoidance of risky behaviors. Youth with mentors are more prepared to enter adulthood, which benefits the entire community.
One of the biggest hurdles to mentorship programs like Big Brothers Big Sisters is recruiting volunteers. According to the Do Good Institute at the University of Maryland, volunteerism has been steadily declining all across the United States since the 2010s. This problem was compounded during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Becoming a mentor, or a “Big,” as we call them, can be intimidating. It’s not a one-time volunteer opportunity. It does take some training in the beginning. But the results make it all worth it.
What’s stopping you from becoming a Big? Let’s go through a few of the mentorship myths that may be making you pause.

Myth: I have to have a high-level career to be a mentor.
Fact: Your career level has no effect on your ability to be a mentor. Anyone from college students and entry-level employees to the C-suite and retirees can be mentors.

Myth: Mentorship takes a lot of time.
Fact: Mentoring with Big Brothers Big Sisters only requires a few hours each month.

Myth: Mentorship is all about teaching or refining skills with your mentee.
Fact: Mentorship looks different for everyone. For many Bigs, it simply consists of being there for your Little consistently, listening to them, and being a friend.

Myth: I’m not qualified to be a mentor.
Fact: Outside of a background check and age requirements, there are no specific qualifications to be a mentor. Our program specialists will work with you to determine if you’re a good fit for our program.

Myth: I don’t have enough life experience to be a mentor.
Fact: You have more life experience than a Little has. Bigs can be as young as 18, and some Littles prefer younger mentors who they feel they can relate to more easily.
In the end, if you are passionate about making a difference in a child’s life, you can be a mentor. If you have more questions about becoming a Big, visit https://itsbigtime.org/become-a-big/ to read FAQs, view eligibility requirements, and learn about the enrollment process. Or, you can call us at 503-249-4859.