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Introducing the Black Youth Ambassador Group Led & Created by Amaya Gustave

We are excited to announce the launch of the BBBS Black Youth Ambassador Group, created and led by Amaya Gustave, Program Intern, and former Little Sister.

“To me, establishing a community where you are seen, uplifted, and championed is everything. BBBS Columbia NW gave that to me as a little, and I wanted to aid in continuing to further what we can do for our Black youth within the agency,” shared Amaya.

The Black Youth Ambassador Group is a group of high school aged Littles who are actively creating and celebrating a space for Black youth empowerment and advocacy within BBBS Columbia NW. Together they participate in community engagement and active discussions and workshops surrounding the Black experience. Students are given the space and encouragement to discuss ways they can contribute to strengthening the community not only amongst themselves but within the Portland metro area and any space they may find themselves in.

For their first meeting, they explored topics like:

  • Kimberle Crenshaw’s framework of intersectionality.
  • Social movements within the Black community
  • The impact of the Combahee River Collective and what intersectional feminism means to them
  • Environmental justice movements, the impacts of food deserts, and redlining in Portland.

“By having these active discussions, learning from not only the workshops but one another, we are further celebrating and validating our Blackness and our lived experiences. We are learning how we can advocate for ourselves and how we are seen in the world. We tell our Littles that they can reach for the stars, and this group furthers that notion! My hope for the Littles involved is that, as Black youth, they understand and know that the world is their oyster. As we grow and develop our collective efforts within this group, we will not only continue to empower one another, but continue to create community through discussion, explanation, and active participation,” said Amaya.

Next month the Black Youth Ambassador Group looks forward to discussing radical self-love and ways in which they, as Black youth, can show it to themselves. They will also dive into the themes of self-esteem, self-worth, aiming high, goal setting, and how to stop negative self-talk. We look forward to all of the amazing work they will embark on together this year. A BIG thank you to the Oregon Department of Education for funding the work of the Black Youth Ambassador Group.