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Meet Little Brother Martin and Big Brother Sean

Little Brother Martin and his Big Brother Sean have been matched for almost two years, and already, Sean has had a BIG impact on Little Brother Martin’s life. Together, the two started an annual tradition of sitting down to establish their goals for the year ahead. 

Last January, in his junior year of high school, Little Brother Martin set a goal to improve his grades so he could apply to colleges. He had been struggling with his studies, but thanks to the encouragement of Big Brother Sean, he focused on his school work and raised his GPA from a 2.5 to a 3.5!

Providing transportation to the BBBS office, Big Brother Sean was on a mission to help Little Brother Martin work on his college application, essay, and the financial aid process. As a result, Little Brother Martin was accepted into Portland Community College and will be the first in his family to attend college in the fall of 2022!

By supporting Big Brothers Big Sisters Columbia Northwest, you are helping to empower youth in our community to reach their greatest potential. Little Brother Martin and Big Brother Sean’s story is another example that It takes a village to raise a child!”

You can help us match a child or teen with a caring adult mentor that empowers their potential and resilience today!