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National Mentoring Month: Meet Big Brother Hector and Little Brother Kevin

Meet Big Brother and Ambassador Board Member Hector, who shared why he decided to become a mentor:

“I am a mentor to my Little Brother Kevin who is 16 years old. We have been matched for a year and a half and even though our match is fairly new, I have learned so much from him already. I decided to become a mentor because growing up I felt extremely fortunate to have the support of those around me telling me “You can be whatever you want to be!” As I’ve gotten older, I realize that not everyone has that support and it made me want to give back. In Kevin’s company, I am constantly seeing the world through a different lens. He has shown such strength through difficult times and that resilience inspires and motivates me to be a better person.”

For Little Brother Kevin, his match with his Big Brother Hector could not have come at a better time. Upon enrollment, Kevin’s dad shared that he was struggling in math. As a devoted Big Brother, Hector met with Kevin every week. The two would watch YouTube math tutorials during each meeting. After homework, they would play their favorite video game, Call of Duty. The extra time and attention Hector was able to offer Kevin helped him improve his grades in math and helped build his confidence overall.

The presence of a Big Brother has also been immensely helpful for Kevin’s father, a single dad who also has a younger daughter to care for. Hector helps the family by lending a hand as an attentive adult in Kevin’s life. He is always up to taking Kevin out to get some fresh air and exercise, by going on hikes and other outings, giving Kevin the extra care and support he and the family needed. 

You can learn more about becoming a Big on our website