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Smith Leveille: A Mentor for Life

When it comes to mentorship, there are few people who embody the spirit of this noble pursuit more than Smith Leveille. As a former employee of multiple Big Brothers Big Sisters affiliates and current Big Brother, Smith has spent his entire professional career helping to empower young people and to provide them with the support and guidance they need to reach their full potential. His passion for mentoring is not just a job, it’s a way of life, and it is this dedication that has made him such an admired figure among his colleagues, especially among the young people he has mentored. His exceptional dedication to mentorship even led him to become the Big Brother of the year in 2013 for the entire state of Florida.  

Smith’s journey with BBBS began after he graduated from Florida State University, where he discovered his passion for mentoring through the encouragement of his first mentor, Luis Garcia, a CEO for Big Brothers Big Sisters who now works for the national office. Smith was inspired by Luis to speak out about his passion for mentoring, and he has been doing so ever since. From there, he met Carolina,  Chief Program Officer for BBBS Columbia Northwest, in Broward, Florida, and together, they began building a partnership that would change the lives of countless young people. 

In his role at the Broward office, Smith was a case manager for Bigs Inspiring Scholastic Success, a program that focuses on providing Littles with academic and career readiness skills. For seven years, he worked tirelessly to help young people in his community realize their potential and to provide them with the tools they needed to succeed. His passion for mentoring and his commitment to the BBBS mission were evident in everything he did. 

Most recently, Smith was working at the BBBS Columbia Northwest office, where he was helping to lead the Black Youth Ambassador Group. This group is dedicated to empowering the Black Community and helping young people build connections. Smith was working to create a safe space for Black Littles and families to speak their minds, stay informed, educated, and exposed to other perspectives and resources. He loved working in this office because he felt that everyone is driven by the mission to empower youth, so they can achieve their full potential. 

But it’s not just Smith’s work in the office that has made him such a respected figure in the BBBS community. It’s his dedication to his Little, Dwayne, that truly sets him apart. Smith has been mentoring Dwayne for 13 years now, and the two have become inseparable. They affectionately call each other “Lil Dee and Big B,” and they have been through many life experiences together. 

When Dwayne first met Smith, he was just 13 years old, and he had no positive male role models in his life. But through Smith’s mentorship, he was able to overcome many obstacles and become the successful, generous adult he is today. Smith has seen Lil Dee grow from a 13-year-old to a mature, thriving adult who is now happy to be the father of one wonderful child. Smith would drive over 40 minutes each way to meet with Dwayne, and they would spend 3-4 hours together almost every Saturday. Over the years, their relationship has grown into a deep friendship, and Dwayne now considers Smith to be one of his best friends. Outside of his relationship with Lil Dee, Smith mentioned being an “unofficial Big” to about 9 other young people in his community. They range from middle schoolers to college students, and he works to be there for them in every way he can. 

When asked what advice he would give to someone who wants to be a good mentor, Smith says that consistency is key. He stressed the importance of being in it for the Little and not just for the recognition. For Smith, mentorship is not just a job, it’s a way of life, and it’s a lifestyle that he brings with him to everything he does, whether it’s at work or in his personal life. 

Smith Leveille is a shining example of what it means to be a mentor. His dedication, passion, and commitment to his Little and to the BBBS mission are truly inspiring. He is a role model for all of us, and we are lucky to have him as a member of our community. 

To learn more about how to become a Big, click here to learn more and get your application started today!