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BBBS Hosts a Career Panel for High School Littles

On Saturday, October 8th, the BBBS community gathered in the community room at Umpqua Bank in the Pearl District to host one of our ongoing high school workshops. Led by Program Coordinator Ninfa Rodriguez, 22 Littles, Bigs, siblings, and parents came together to learn more about the different career paths and academic journeys of the six amazing panelists. 

The Six Panelists Included: 

  • Andre Walcott, Ph.D., is the Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Advantis Credit Union and an Ambassador Board Member for BBBS. He earned his Ph.D. in Behavioral Neuroscience at Oregon Health & Science University. 
  • Jimmy Hillman is the owner of, and hair stylist at, Concrete Treehouse Salon. He is the first in his family to start his own business. 
  • Karen Foster is the Founder of KF Curates and an Ambassador Board Member for BBBS. She is an entrepreneur who curates equitable events and experiences. 
  • Lilo Alfaro is a consultant for OPAD, working as a Producer, and AEA Stage Manager with a passion for theater and the arts. 
  • Mizael Buron is the Manager of Umpqua Bank’s Pearl District Store and the Co-chair of the BBBS Ambassador Board.   
  • Nick Brown is the Vehicle Field Sales Manager for Toyota North America. He shared his experiences growing up working in the car industry and his path from working at a dealership to working for Toyota’s corporate offices. 

During the first half of the event, panelists answered questions about their college experiences, and their path to their current jobs, and shared some tips they wish they had known as a senior in high school. At lunch, attendees enjoyed pizza from Ranch PDX and broke out into smaller group discussions, giving Littles the chance to connect with panelists, to ask them questions about their paths. 

Karen shared her experience attending Oakwood University, Huntsville, AL. “Attending a Historically Black University helped me believe in myself, I experienced so much growth during my time there. To be surrounded by people who looked like me, including my teachers, was something I hadn’t experienced before. If I could give you all one piece of advice, it would be to fight imposter syndrome and anyone who tells you that you can’t do something. You CAN and you all belong in ALL the spaces you enter.” 

Mizael told students the story of how he became interested in banking at an early age. “When I was in the 3rd grade, my class had a special career day visit from the Branch Manager of a local bank. The woman who came to speak to us made such an impression on me as a kid, it piqued my interest to want to learn more and pursue banking as a career. Throughout my life mentors have come in many forms, keeping yourself open to opportunities and open to learning will take you a long way. 

Andre stressed the importance of taking advantage of the opportunities that present themselves throughout your life. “Don’t change yourself due to the people around you! Surround yourself with forward-thinking individuals and if you fail at something, keep on trying.” 

The event wrapped up with a special drawing for high school Littles, the chance for two lucky students to win a tablet! As an agency, we hold quarterly workshops for high school students to continue their learning, as well as one-on-one support for college applications, financial aid, and FAFSA assistance and help with college scholarships.   To see more photos from this workshop, click here.