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National Mentoring Month: Catching up with Big Brother Randy and Little Brother Henry

Happy National Mentoring Month! We recently had the chance to catch up with the 2018 Big Brother of the Year, Randy Rene, on what it’s been like to be a Big to his Little Brother Henry.

Why did you decide to become a Big?

Recently I read a quote from Ayesha Siddiqi that said, “Be the person you needed when you were younger.”  That really sums it up for me, as I became a Big to my Little Brother Henry in 2016, so I could be there for someone who needed a bro, friend, listener, and coach. Looking back, I was fortunate to have a couple of key mentors when I was a child, and especially as a teen, that helped me through some tough and trying times.

What changes have you seen in your Little since your match started?

I met Henry when he was in the third grade, and he is now a freshman in high school! I’ve seen him grow from a child into an incredible young man. When we first met, Henry was quite shy around others and nervous about trying new things. Over the years I’ve done my best to gently introduce new agreed-upon challenges along the way.  In third grade, he was nervous to learn and play kickball and now he fearlessly wants to drive go-karts. It’s an amazing transformation to witness and be a part of.

What has been the most impactful/memorable moment of your match so far?

I have a hard time pinpointing any one moment over another, as Henry and I have a great time every time we meet up. Yet, out of all the things we do, every time we meet up it starts with going out for breakfast someplace.  We tell jokes, Henry tries new foods, we talk about his school and my work, and generally just hang out.  I love starting our day by catching up.

What advice would you give to anyone who is considering becoming a Big?

Being a Big is about listening, coaching, and having fun with your Little. It is a wonderful and humbling learning experience, learning what it’s like being a young person in today’s world. It is an honor to share some wisdom along the way. Keep an open mind, ask questions, and LISTEN to understand, and meet your Little as an equal, and you’ll have a great time.

When Randy and Henry won Big and Little of the year in 2018, Henry shared this:

“My Big Brother and I do a lot of fun things together when we are at school and at his work. My favorite time together was when he invited me and my mom to go to his college graduation. This was a very special day for my Big Brother, and I am proud of him. Because of him, I want to graduate high school and I also want to go to college and graduate.”

Thank you for being an incredible Big Brother to Henry, Randy! To start your application to become a Big, click here!